Saturday, February 20, 2016

Another Battle

     Private First Class Smith was not having an "Outstanding Imperial Army Day", and it didn't look to be getting any better, as he threw himself into an empty foxhole due to the incoming shell fire screaming over head.

"What did I get myself into" he said to himself quietly "This is not how I planed this shit out" while the rumbling artillery continued to impact the base.

Soon after, thought it felt like much longer, the base klaxon signaled all clear and PFC Smith crawled out of the hole and headed for the chow hall.  This is the 4th time today we've taken incoming fire, where are they getting all the support from he wondered.

Headed to the chow hall, he thought about his current predicament.  He was stationed on Kepler 3, a miserable little planet which alternated between a mud bowl half the year and a baked on dust bowl the other half.  The Kepler system was in a podunk spiral arm on the ass end of the Milky way.